The Ordinary Peeling Solution

The Ordinary Peeling Solution is a powerful chemical exfoliant that combines alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to deeply exfoliate the skin. Specifically, it contains 30% AHA and 2% BHA, making it a highly concentrated treatment. Here’s a closer look at its key ingredients and their benefits:

Key Ingredients

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs):

Glycolic Acid: Derived from sugar cane, glycolic acid is known for its ability to exfoliate the skin’s surface, removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover.

Lactic Acid: Sourced from milk, lactic acid is a milder AHA that helps to brighten and hydrate the skin.

Tartaric and Citric Acids: These AHAs contribute to the exfoliation process, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the solution.

Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA):

Salicylic Acid: This BHA penetrates deeper into the pores, helping to clear out impurities and reduce acne and blackheads.

Tasmanian Pepperberry: This ingredient helps to reduce irritation and inflammation that can be caused by the high concentration of acids.

Hyaluronic Acid Crosspolymer: Provides hydration and helps to prevent the skin from becoming too dry or irritated.

Vitamin B5: Helps to heal and soothe the skin.

Black Carrot: Acts as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from free radical damage.

Benefits of The Ordinary Peeling Solution

1. Deep Exfoliation

The combination of AHAs and BHA in The Ordinary Peeling Solution ensures thorough exfoliation. AHAs work on the skin’s surface to remove dead skin cells, while BHA goes deeper into the pores to clear out excess oil and impurities. This dual-action exfoliation helps to reveal fresher, smoother skin.

2. Improved Skin Texture and Tone

Regular use of the peeling solution can lead to a noticeable improvement in skin texture and tone. By removing the layer of dead skin cells, the solution promotes a brighter, more even complexion. It can also help to fade hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and dark spots over time.

3. Reduced Acne and Blemishes

Salicylic acid, the BHA in the formula, is particularly effective for acne-prone skin. It helps to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts. For those struggling with persistent acne, incorporating this peeling solution into their skincare routine can make a significant difference.

4. Enhanced Absorption of Skincare Products

Exfoliated skin is more receptive to other skincare products. By using The Ordinary Peeling Solution, you can enhance the absorption and effectiveness of your serums, moisturizers, and treatments, maximizing the benefits of your entire skincare regimen.

How to Use The Ordinary Peeling Solution

Using The Ordinary Peeling Solution requires some caution due to its high acid concentration. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure safe and effective use:

  1. Patch Test First: Before applying the peeling solution to your face, conduct a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any adverse reactions.
  2. Cleanse Your Skin: Start with clean, dry skin. Use a gentle cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, or impurities.
  3. Apply Evenly: Using your fingertips, apply a small amount of the solution to your face and neck, avoiding the eye area. A thin, even layer is sufficient.
  4. Leave On for 10 Minutes: Allow the solution to sit on your skin for no more than 10 minutes. Do not exceed this time to avoid irritation.
  5. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse off the solution with lukewarm water. Ensure that all traces of the product are removed.
  6. Follow with Hydration: After rinsing, apply a hydrating serum and moisturizer to soothe and replenish your skin.
  7. Use Sunscreen: Since AHAs and BHAs can increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun, it’s crucial to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen during the day, even if you’re not planning to go outside.

Tips for Optimal Results

  1. Start Slowly: If you’re new to chemical exfoliants, start by using the peeling solution once a week. Gradually increase the frequency to twice a week if your skin tolerates it well.
  2. Avoid Combining with Other Acids: To prevent irritation, do not use other strong acids, retinoids, or exfoliants on the same day as The Ordinary Peeling Solution.
  3. Listen to Your Skin: If you experience excessive redness, burning, or discomfort, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.
  4. Hydrate and Protect: Always follow up with hydrating products and sunscreen to protect your skin and maintain its health.



What is The Ordinary Peeling Solution and how does it work?

The Ordinary Peeling Solution is a powerful exfoliating treatment that combines 30% Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and 2% Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA). AHAs, including glycolic and lactic acids, exfoliate the skin’s surface, promoting cell turnover for a smoother texture. BHA (salicylic acid) penetrates deeper to clear pores and reduce acne. This dual-action solution removes dead skin cells, brightens the complexion, and enhances overall skin health.

How often should I use The Ordinary Peeling Solution?

Start with once a week to see how your skin reacts. If well-tolerated, you can increase the frequency to twice a week. Do not use more than twice weekly to avoid over-exfoliation and irritation. Always follow up with hydration and sunscreen.

Can The Ordinary Peeling Solution help with acne and blemishes?

Yes, The Ordinary Peeling Solution is effective for acne and blemishes. The salicylic acid (BHA) deeply cleanses pores, reducing blackheads and acne. The AHAs also help to fade acne scars and hyperpigmentation, promoting a clearer, more even complexion.

Is The Ordinary Peeling Solution suitable for all skin types?

The solution can benefit various skin types but should be used with caution. Oily and acne-prone skin often sees the best results. Dry and sensitive skin types should start with a patch test and use less frequently, always following up with a good moisturizer to prevent dryness and irritation.

What should I do before and after using The Ordinary Peeling Solution?

Before use, cleanse your face thoroughly and ensure it is dry. Apply a thin layer of the solution and leave it on for no more than 10 minutes. After rinsing with lukewarm water, apply a hydrating serum and a moisturizer to soothe your skin. Always use sunscreen the following day as your skin will be more sensitive to UV rays.

Are there any side effects of using The Ordinary Peeling Solution?

Some users may experience redness, tingling, or irritation, especially if they have sensitive skin or use the solution too frequently. Always conduct a patch test before full application and adhere to recommended usage guidelines. Discontinue use if severe irritation occurs and consult a dermatologist.

Can I use The Ordinary Peeling Solution with other skincare products?

Yes, but avoid using it with other strong acids, retinoids, or vitamin C on the same day to prevent irritation. Focus on hydrating and soothing products, such as hyaluronic acid and niacinamide, to complement the peeling solution. Always layer hydrating products after the solution to maintain moisture balance.

How long does it take to see results from The Ordinary Peeling Solution?

You may notice an immediate improvement in skin texture and brightness after a few uses. For more significant changes, such as reduced acne scars and hyperpigmentation, it may take several weeks of consistent use. Regular application as per the recommended guidelines will yield the best results over time.